Tag: deformation

In the following I will present a method for deforming three dimensional geometry using a technique relying on radial basis functions (RBFs). These are mathematical functions that take a real number as input argument and return a real number. RBFs can be used for creating a smooth interpolation between values known only at a discrete set of positions. The term radial is used because the input argument given is typically computed as the distance between a fixed position in 3D space and another position at which we would like to evaluate a certain quantity…

We are happy to announce that Karsten Noe has signed the letter of appointement, and will thus join the computer graphics group at the Alexandra Institute from the 1st of august 2009. Karsten was previously a PhD student (expecting a PhD degree soon) from the Department of Computer Science, University of Aarhus, working on GPU accelerated registration of deformable tissue in radiation therapy.