In our Advanced Technology Foundation project “FutureSonic”, we recently presented two papers at the 2014 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium together with our research partners at the Technical University of Denmark. The first paper [1] presents how ultrasound images can be computed efficiently on GPUs and on multicore CPUs that support Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) extensions. We were able to accelerate a reference implementation in C from around 700 ms/frame to 5.4 ms/frame using the same multicore CPU. The speedup…

Here is a little movie showing real time simulation of non-linear elastic material properties using the Total Lagrangian Explicit Dynamic FEM. Three different sets of material parameters were used. Our implementation is done in CUDA. Thanks to Brian Bunch Christensen and Jens Rimestad for cooperation on the implementation. The source code is under the LGPL licence and can be found here. Please acknowledge if you use it for your research. Thanks to Movania Muhammad Mobeen for tidying up the project so it…

Nice real-time smoke visualization, rendered by our CUDA tracer including a clear sky model. The smoke dataset was delivered by Michael Bang and Brian Bunch Christensen from the Department of Computer Science, University of Aarhus.

We have recently begun initial experiments and implementation of a GPU assisted raytracer (through CUDA). Our vision is a progressive global illumination renderer with real time updates.