Author: Peter Trier Mikkelsen

Computer graphics programmers hello world Software Ray Casting. New tutorial page on both web Assembly and Ray Casting. Both on Medium and here!

“Welcome computer graphics interested stranger!”  This is the first installment of a my little tutorial series on mesh to sparse voxel conversion. Conversions between different representations are well described in articles and could be considered trivial. But there are always some challenges involved when trying to implement these kind of things. And it is often the case that reference implementations require a lot of dependencies. So i have tried to compile something that could proves useful into a small an detached code chunk…

Tired of playing Battlefield, and have a nice GPU with a lot of idle clock cycles. Why don’t you try the MineWizard? A glsl based ray-tracer that allow you to conjure beautiful images of you Minecraft worlds. “But why was this created ?”  There is not a reason for everything in this world and it still remains a mystery why. But clearly someone has too much spare time.. To proceed please roll a dice 6 to test your luck! If…

We present our newest gpu accelerated raytracer that runs entirely in JavaScript and WebGL. You can try a live demo by clicking the button below, but be sure that you have read the requirements at the bottom of the page before you launch the demo. If your system does not meet the requirements, you can watch a video here. To involve our audience a bit further we launch a Christmas competition. The rules are as follows: Update: We have decided…

Full spectral rendering using stochastic progressive photon mapping

This video demonstrates our experiment with progressive photon mapping. But this time combined with a really fast bvh rebuilder. This way the user can play around with all objects in the scene and the lighting geometry. This gives a nice preview of the light distribution and caustic effects.